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Room of
The Room of Plenty is a student foodbank designed to be a short term solution for students in need of assistance. The Room of Plenty is supported by NWP and surrounding Community.
I'm so strapped on $$. It's insane. Being a student is hard.
Hey! NWPSA has a student foodbank!
Whoa, really?
Yeah! You just have to go to their website to apply! Or head to their offices and they'll totally help!
Thank goodness! I'm going to apply now!
Happy to help!


Who is eligible for the Health and Dental plan?A member of the Northwestern Polytechnic Students' Association, enrolled fulltime at NWP, under the age of 65, residing in Canada, covered under a provincial health care plan or equivalent.
Are international students eligible to be covered by the Health and Dental plan?International students must be covered by Alberta health Care in order to access the benefits of the student benefit plan. Please contact Sarah Westfall [], International Student Liaison for assistance or information regarding Alberta Health Care.
Why is the Health and Dental plan mandatory?For post-secondary students, any fee that is voted in by referendum follows the Post-Secondary Learning Act from the Government of Alberta. With a mandatory plan, the insurance risk is spread over a larger number of students, thereby lowering the cost per students, making the fee in a range that is affordable to students.
Is the plan the same as the Provincial Health Care?No. The Health and Dental Plan is an extended health and dental plan, which supplements your existing provincial health care. It DOES NOT replace your provincial health care. Health and Dental Plan are payable after any provincial health care benefits have been exhausted.
Can I add my dependents to my Health and Dental plan?Any full time student on the student benefit plan may add their spouse (married, common-law or same sex relationships are accepted) or dependent children (under the age of 21 and solely dependent upon the member for support) to the plan, for an additional fee, before September 13, 2024 deadline (January 15, 2025 for January students). *At this time we cannot add dependents for a May term start. Email to learn more about this process.
What dependents are eligible to be added to the Health and Dental plan?A spouse, or common-law partner, and/or your child.
Can students opt in to the Health and Dental plan?Under certain circumstances. Please email a detailed reason for wanting to opt in to The Executive Council will discuss the request to opt in, once they have you will be contacted.
Where do I find my Health and Dental Card?Log into your account at, once you are logged in the card will be on the menu on the left. You can store your Health and Dental cards in your mobile wallet.
How long does it take to get money back from a submitted claim?You can update your direct deposit information on to receive your money back right away. If you are choosing to wait for a cheque it can take a few weeks to receive the cheque in the mail.
Room of Plenty
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